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Academic Education
Doctoral Studies (DPhil) Professional Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK. Concentration in Professional Archaeology - Cultural Resource Management. Dissertation published as: The Lost Monasteries of William Randolph Hearst
Doctoral Studies (DPA) and Master’s Degree (MPA) in Public Administration, Nova Southeastern University, Broward County, Florida. Concentration in Historic Preservation & Heritage Management
Master of Studies (MST) Professional Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK. Thesis published as: The Last Voyage of the San Miguel de Archangel, A Spanish Colonial Shipwreck in the Florida Coastal Zone
Graduate Diploma, Professional Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK.
Master of Arts (MA) University of Leicester, UK, Archaeology and Heritage Management. Thesis published as: Anomaly 27, The Last Voyage of the S.S. Copenhagen
Graduate Diploma, Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, University of Leicester, UK
Undergraduate Diploma in English Local History. University of Oxford, UK
Master of Arts (MA) University of Miami, Florida – Asian Studies
Bachelor of Arts (BA) University of Miami – History
Associate of Arts (AA) Georgia Military College – Military Science
Georgia Military College Prep School - High School Diploma
Private Consultant, Professional Archaeology, Cultural Resource Management, Historical Archaeology. Since 1977, completed over 250 Professional Archaeology and Cultural Resource Investigations in both the underwater and in the terrestrial environments. Performed Anthropological Investigations in South Asia, Northwest Frontier in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Author of five books in Archaeology, History, Cultural Resource Management. Comprehensive list of all professional investigations available upon request.
BAE Systems, Senior Social Scientist, United States Army Human Terrain System, South Asia and Federally Administered Tribal Area, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan/Afghanistan. Recruited for Research & Writing. Initial research for three historical monographs (2011-2012).
United States Army, Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Senior Analyst, Afghanistan & Pakistan – Author/editor of Military History entitled, 'Passing It On: Fighting the Pashtun on Afghanistan’s Frontier', FMSO (2010-2011).
United States Department of Justice: Afghan Frontier Opium Poppy Eradication Program; Training Pashtun Tribal Recruits in Public Safety & Security Operations. Senior Police Trainer, Pakistan National Police Training Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan. (2008-2009).
Professor of Public Administration, Nova Southeastern University, Broward County, Florida. Adjunct Professor, Nova Southeastern University, Oceanography Center, Teaching in Underwater Archaeology and Cultural Resource Management. (1978-2003).
Dade County, Florida, Public Safety Department, Homicide - Organized Crime Division. (1972-1977).
United States Army, Commissioned Officer, Infantry & Public Affairs Branches. Assignments in Asia and South Asia. (1968-1971).
Passing It On: Fighting the Pashtuns on Afghanistan’s Frontier’ (2010) Foreign Military Studies Office Press, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 2010. This book was issued, or made available, to every combat arms officer in the United States Army.
‘Anomaly 27: The Last Voyage of the S.S. Copenhagen: A Monograph in Florida History and Archaeology’, (2010) Signum Ops Press. This book is the standard guide to the S.S. Copenhagen sunken shipwreck site, a State of Florida Underwater Archaeological Preserve established in 1994.
‘The Last Voyage of the San Miguel De Archangel: A Spanish Colonial Shipwreck in the Florida Coastal Zone’, (2011) Signum Ops Press. The history of a twenty year underwater archaeological investigation at Jupiter Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida. This book was selected by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library & Information Services to be placed in their permanent archives.
‘The Lost Monasteries of William Randolph Hearst: In Search of Lost Architecture in Spain, England and the United States’ (2012) Signum Ops Press. Selected as a ‘notable book of the year’ by the Society of British Architectural Historians.
'Texas Treasure: Billy Kenon and the Padre Island Shipwrecks of 1554'. (2019) Signum Ops Press.
‘A Hundred Giants: The French Huguenot Experience in Florida, 1562-1565’ (2013) Signum Ops Press. Newly published study of an archaeological investigation that locates and documents the site of the Matanzas (French Huguenot) Massacre of 1565.
Archaeological Studies and Monographs: Over 200 archaeological (cultural resource) studies, reports & monographs (separate list available on request).
(Florida Archaeology Monographs selected for the permanent collection of the State of Florida Library System to include (Lost Monasteries; Anomaly 27; Last Voyage of the San Miguel de Archangel; A hundred Giants)